Sunday, May 29, 2016

Alice's 9 Year Birthday Letter

My Alice,

I am so proud of the person you are becoming. You are observant, kind, whip smart and lovely. I see you now figuring out how the world works and where you fit in. But I have a secret for you, my love; you are not meant to fit in. You are meant to make your own way and inspire others to do the same. Today at your birthday party, you looked at your friends and told me you have the best friends because no one cared about what you looked like, they all just cared about the person you are. I am amazed that at age nine you figured this out! You have those amazing friends because YOU are that amazing friend. The secret is to find out what makes you happy and peaceful, then be brave enough to follow that. Others, the right type of others, will follow.

My hope for you is to keep on being brave enough to think for yourself, to be more kind than you sometimes feel, and to always have the strength to look to God first.

Your Heavenly Parents know you better than you know yourself. Talk to them about everything; your plans, dreams and fears, and I promise they are listening and working for your good. They want you to use your precious gift of agency to become your best self. They've known you for millennias. They made you from star dust and they don't make copies. There is only one you.

I am so grateful for my star. I love you for millennias and more.



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